381 Results for:

February 22, 2006

Capital Flows
The (strange) politics of globalization

Maybe the US would be better off if China owned Unocal's Asian oil fields Not economically.  Unocal's oil and gas fields are presumably worth a bit more now than they were last summer.  But strategic…

April 20, 2008

Inequality in America

Unions in the American manufacturing sector used to have the bargaining power to secure a middle class wage for their members. Not any more. And no one else – apart from corporate CEOs, hedge fu…

September 23, 2011

Defense and Security
Friday File: Arms Sales to Taiwan

Five F-16 jets fly in formation. (Ho New/courtesy Reuters) Above the Fold. The Palestinian statehood bid is not the only issue the Obama administration has been struggling with this week. On Wednesd…

Five U.S. Air Force F-16

February 17, 2012

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Friday File: Anthony Shadid

Above the Fold. Anthony Shadid, a New York Times foreign correspondent, died yesterday while covering the ongoing political upheaval in Syria. He wasn’t cut down by the violence of what is becoming a…

Anthony Shadid (right) with other New York Times journalists and Turkey's Ambassador to Libya on March 21, 2011. (Handout/courtesy Reuters)

October 1, 2007

Financial Markets
My recap of the past week

Oil stayed high -- but not high enough to worry Peter Fritsch and Kelly Evans of the Wall Street Journal.The dollar fell against the euro and loonie -- but probably not by enough for the dollar to di…