147 Results for:

November 17, 2012

Weekend Reading: Kurdish Hunger Strikers, Jabari’s Assassination, and Jordan in Turmoil

Jake Hess’ take on hunger striking Kurds. Issandr el Amrani on Ahmed al Jabari’s assassination. Katie Paul looks at the escalating crisis in Jordan.

Syrian Bedouin writer and journalist Lina Hawyan al-Hassan, reads a book at her home in Damascus (Khaled Al Hariri / Courtesy Reuters)

October 10, 2019

Game On: The NBA Runs Afoul of China but Scores Big

The facts are not in dispute. On October 6, Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey tweeted: “Fight for Freedom: Stand with Hong Kong,” igniting a political firestorm in Beijing. Other Rockets he…

Fans in LeBron James jerseys pose for pictures with Chinese flags near security personnel outside the Mercedes-Benz Arena before the NBA exhibition game between Brooklyn Nets and Los Angeles Lakers in Shanghai, October 10, 2019.

August 25, 2021

United States
Seven Podcasts Worth Listening to About 9/11

With the twentieth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks approaching, we recommend sources for better understanding 9/11 and its aftermath. This week: seven podcasts worth listenin…


May 28, 2021

Sub-Saharan Africa
U.S. Push for a Global Clean Energy Transition Can Start in Africa

The new US Climate Finance Plan aims to double contributions to climate funding for developing countries. A renewed emphasis on emerging economies is good news for the climate -- but in presenting support as “protecting the world’s poorest” and helping “communities in need,” the Plan reflects old thinking. 

Kenya's Energy Minister Charles Keter addresses engineers at the power substation of the Lake Turkana Wind Power project (LTWP) in Loiyangalani district, Marsabit County, northern Kenya, September 4, 2018.

January 9, 2023

Elections and Voting
The 118th Congress by the Numbers

A new Congress brings new faces to Washington, DC.

Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries passes the gavel to Kevin McCarthy after McCarthy was elected Speaker of the House on January 7, 2023.