174 Results for:

May 5, 2015

Low Expectations for UN Syria Talks

The UN’s latest bid to negotiate a political transition in Syria is unlikely to yield results. Behind its mediators’ failures lie a wider breakdown of great-power politics, says expert Richard Gowan.

April 3, 2015

Tricky Path to Final Iran Nuclear Deal

The framework deal with Iran surpassed expectations and revived concerns about how such a deal could be implemented, says CFR’s Ray Takeyh.

March 27, 2015

Navigating the Iran Sanctions Thicket

The prospect of sanctions relief as part of an Iran nuclear agreement has alarmed some in Congress, but they should see the value of a UN Security Council resolution affirming the deal, says CFR’s Jo…

December 29, 2014

A Turbulent Year Ahead

Ongoing Middle East conflicts, economic storm clouds, and perennial tensions in Asia augur a tough 2015 for global leaders, says CFR’s James M. Lindsay.

December 10, 2014

Where Is Putin Leading Russia?

President Vladimir Putin has failed to deliver a coherent response to Russia’s economic challenges while continuing to feed concerns about his intentions in Ukraine, says CFR’s Stephen Sestanovich.