326 Results for:

March 31, 2008

Monetary Policy
Record reserve growth, record dollar reserve growth and no evidence of diversification among the countries that matter

That would be my summary of the IMF’s latest data on the currency composition of the world’s reserves. My headline -- "record dollar reserve growth and little real evidence of diversification" -- is…


June 23, 2017

U.S. Foreign Policy
You Might Have Missed: Academic Journals VI

This is the sixth blog post in this series. The previous five were published in February, July, and October 2015, and January and May 2016, and highlight earlier academic findings. This post was coau…

woman looks into a book

August 15, 2007

Monetary Policy
Hank Paulson and W (heart) foreign central banks

Three numbers from today’s TIC data release: Net recorded inflows to the US in June:  $58.8bNet official inflows: $58.2bNet private inflows: $0.7b Kind of destroys the illusion that t…

March 22, 2013

Environmental Security Goes Mainstream: Natural Resources and National Interests

Not long ago, concerns about environmental degradation were marginal in U.S. national security deliberations. What a difference climate change has made. Foreign policy officials and experts are start…

Handout photo of the Nile and the Sinai Peninsula

September 12, 2005

Show me the money (really, show me China’s reserves)

China's Alan Greenspan (Zhou Xiaochuan) has indicated China won't roil financial markets with "active composition adjustments of the foreign reserves."  fine.   But any central bank adding about $20 …