89 Results for:

August 3, 2017

Immigration and Migration
The RAISE Act Won't Raise Wages for Americans

In his successful election campaign last year, Donald Trump tapped into a genuine and serious set of concerns among many Americans about the impacts of both trade and immigration on their economic we…

Stephen Miller Discusses U.S. Immigration Policy Reuters

September 26, 2017

Tackling Non-Inclusive Growth

Rigorous research on the causes and consequences of unequally distributed growth is necessary to identify solutions. But the best analysis means little in the absence of hands-on consensus-building a…

Reuters/Rio De Janeiro/Brazil

December 13, 2017

Ten Silver Linings in 2017

In a year of tumult, were there any positive trends? Experts point to a number of areas where progress was made, from reducing child mortality and poverty to improving women’s rights.

Lebanon Women's Rights

September 26, 2018

What the Crisis in Venezuela Reveals

How much worse do things in Venezuela have to become before the world would be prepared to act?

What the Crisis in Venezuela Reveals

February 8, 2019

2019 Robert B. Menschel Economics Symposium

Although the global rate of extreme poverty is at a historic low, the pace of poverty reduction is slowing and the World Bank estimates that more than 700 million people still live on less than $1.90…