304 Results for:

May 5, 2015

Low Expectations for UN Syria Talks

The UN’s latest bid to negotiate a political transition in Syria is unlikely to yield results. Behind its mediators’ failures lie a wider breakdown of great-power politics, says expert Richard Gowan.

May 1, 2015

United Kingdom
Is Britain Retreating From the World?

Despite the lack of foreign policy debate in the run-up to the UK general elections, pressing questions about the United Kingdom’s relationship with Scotland and the EU loom, says expert Richard G. W…

March 23, 2015

Lee’s Lasting Legacy

Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew leaves behind a remarkable record of economic transformation, but the city-state faces a series of tests on the horizon, says CFR’s Karen Brooks.

January 21, 2015

United States
The President’s Missed Opportunity

President Obama missed a chance in his annual address to make a case for bipartisan initiatives and failed to present a convincing defense of his foreign policy, says CFR President Richard N. Haass.

December 29, 2014

A Turbulent Year Ahead

Ongoing Middle East conflicts, economic storm clouds, and perennial tensions in Asia augur a tough 2015 for global leaders, says CFR’s James M. Lindsay.