18 Results for:

June 1, 2006

U.S.-India Nuclear Cooperation

Overview The recent nuclear deal concluded between the Bush administration and the government of India has highlighted tensions between two widely held American foreign policy objectives: strength…

April 3, 2007


Overview Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country, the home of sub-Saharan Africa’s largest Muslim population, and one of the world’s leading oil producers. While Nigeria has the potential to …

November 15, 2010

Defense and Security
Congress and National Security

Overview The U.S. Congress is among the most maligned institutions in the country. In July of this year, it registered an 11 percent approval rate—below banks, television news, and health insuranc…

April 6, 2012

Countering Criminal Violence in Central America

Overview Violent crime in Central America—particularly in the "northern triangle" of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala—is reaching breathtaking levels. Murder rates in the region are among the …

April 8, 2013

Military Operations
The Future of U.S. Special Operations Forces

Overview U.S. special operations forces are doing more things in more places than ever before. They are now active in some seventy countries and, since 2001, have seen their combined budget nearly…