62 Results for:

December 14, 2006

Sub-Saharan Africa
Avoiding Conflict in the Horn of Africa

Overview The greater Horn of Africa—including Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda—is a region of strategic importance. It is also a region in crisis. Avoiding Conflic…

November 18, 2019

Women and Women's Rights
Five Questions on Feminist Foreign Policy: Margot Wallström

This post is part of an interview series on Gender Equality in Foreign Policy, featuring global and U.S. officials leading initiatives to promote gender equality in their fields.

Margot Wallstrom

December 16, 2021

Does World Order Have a Future?

CNN Host Fareed Zakaria and Richard Haass examine the concept of “world order” and what to do to promote it in an age of revived great-power rivalry and global challenges.

Podcast World Globe

September 18, 2018

United Kingdom
Brexit, Voice, and Loyalty: Britain’s Torturous EU Exit and the Dilemmas of National Sovereignty

In choosing to leave the EU, British voters decided that Brexit was the only way to preserve their national sovereignty. But in choosing to leave that club, they are experiencing the trade-offs inher…

An official carries a Union Jack flag ahead of a news conference by Britain's Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union David Davis and European Union's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier in Brussels, Belgium on July 20, 2017.

February 12, 2020

Climate Change
Dimming the Sky

As climate change accelerates, some scientists are researching ways to alter our climate to slow down warming. But the method, called solar geoengineering, comes with some serious risks. 

Podcast A hazy sky above the clouds where solar geoengineering could occur.