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April 23, 2015

Technology and Innovation
Why Moore’s Law Doesn’t Apply to Clean Technologies

Over the weekend, Moore’s Law—the prediction that the number of transistors (building blocks) on an integrated circuit (computer chip or microchip) would double every two years—turned fifty years old…

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April 10, 2024

Genocide and Mass Atrocities
Remembering the Rwandan Genocide

Thirty years ago, Rwanda’s government began a campaign to eradicate the country’s largest minority group. In just one hundred days in 1994, roving militias killed around eight hundred thousand people…

Podcast Woman carrying her child reads the names of Rwandan genocide victims.

June 27, 2012

Politics and Government
New from CFR: Stewart Patrick on Crime and Development

Stewart Patrick, CFR Senior Fellow and Director of the Program on International Institutions and Global Governance, yesterday published a post on his blog about the impact of crime on economic develo…


October 31, 2017

Diplomacy and International Institutions
U.S. Sovereignty Enhanced, Not Undermined, by International Cooperation, Writes Stewart Patrick in New CFR Book

October 31, 2017—When the United States withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord in June, President Donald J. Trump justified the move as a necessary reassertion of U.S. sovereignty. In The Sovereignty…

The Sovereignty Wars: Reconciling America with the World

May 18, 2011

Fragile States Do Not Automatically Threaten U.S., Argues Stewart Patrick in New Book

In his new book, Weak Links: Fragile States, Global Threats, and International Security, Stewart Patrick argues that most fragile states are not a threat to the United States.

April 27, 2022

Climate Change
Reflecting Sunlight to Reduce Climate Risk

Reflecting sunlight should be considered a potential stopgap for rising global temperatures, argues Stewart M. Patrick.