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December 21, 2020

Five Foreign Policy Stories to Watch in 2021

As 2020 comes to a close, here are five foreign policy news stories to follow in the coming year.

Covid vaccine

December 1, 2022

Jiang Zemin Put China’s Economic Opening Into Practice

Many Chinese people who grew up in the 1990s will not only remember Jiang Zemin for overseeing China’s entry into the World Trade Organization but also for introducing them to the film Titanic.

A photo of Jiang Zemin appears on a big screen as performers dance around it on a stage.

May 31, 2019

Immigration and Migration
Why Congress Cannot Allow the Trump Tariffs on Mexico to Stand

If the president succeeds, he will be free to slap tariffs on any country or any product at any time for whatever reason he dreams up.

United States Mexico Border

May 24, 2010

A New Phase for Korean Tensions

Photo courtesy of REUTERS/POOL With the South Korean finding that a North Korean torpedo was responsible for the sinking of one of its warships in March, focus now shifts to the problematic venue …

A New Phase for Korean Tensions

November 4, 2016

Human Rights
The Parallel Thinking of Two Great Men on Nationalism

In 1935, the great Jewish leader, Zionist, and nationalist Vladimir Jabotinsky wrote in a letter to David Ben Gurion about the paramount need to establish a Jewish state:   I can vouch for ther…