2,866 Results for:

November 18, 2004

Is it the currency of John Snow and the problem of everyone else?

That headline draws on a nice quote from Steve Barrow of Bear Stearns. It paraphrases the famous saying about the dollar -- I think from Nixon’s Treasury Secretary John Connally -- "it is our curren…

December 22, 2005

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Memo to John Snow: Do housing bubbles count?

John Snow's latte-drinking budget mythmaking has gotten plenty of (fully warranted) criticism already, but I'll still pile on. Snow argues that the large budget surplus at the tail end of the Clinton…

November 28, 2017

Two Wives, One Robert Mugabe

The Zimbabwe coupmakers are placing all the blame on Robert Mugabe's wife. Grace, however, was known for her shopping, not her politics, and her husband likely used her to try to hold on to power.


May 23, 2017

Sub-Saharan Africa
Health Watch: Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe

South African media is reporting that Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, 93, has “worsening health problems.” Apparently, his wife Grace “is in a quandary: she has to deal with Mugabe’s health challen…

Robert Mugabe on a panel at the World Economic Forum.

August 15, 2011

Should Robert Ford Be Confirmed?

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a rump confirmation for Robert Ford on August 2, attended amazingly enough by only one senator. (The rest had gone home after the debt ceiling vote.) But e…