178 Results for:

August 29, 2018

Energy and Climate Policy
Can Climate Activists and the Energy Industry Compromise?

The reality that many energy companies are getting more serious about investment in low-carbon solutions is getting lost in the political noise of the day.

Protesters march to urge politicians to act against climate change

October 28, 2019

Syrian Women Helped Find Baghdadi, Beat ISIS, Will Face ‘Tough Time’ Ahead, Leader Says

'We will continue our resistance and our struggle,' says the head of the all-women’s YPJ, in a rare interview.

December 14, 2023

United States
The Humbling of Henry Kissinger

The truth is that his tenure as secretary of state was often rocky, and as full of setbacks as acclaim.


March 12, 2021

Middle East and North Africa
The Hard Edge of the Pope’s Moral Power

The pontiff’s Middle Eastern diplomacy may seem superficial, but it could make a huge practical impact.

October 26, 2023

Climate Change
Climate Finance Gains Momentum Ahead of COP28

Countries will collectively need to spend trillions of dollars to reach their decarbonization goals and protect the most vulnerable nations from climate disasters, but experts say current funding lev…