254 Results for:

May 22, 2018

Donald Trump
Michael Fullilove and Herve Lemahieu on Power in Asia

Michael Fullilove and Herve Lemahieu join CFR's James M. Lindsay to discuss the Asian power landscape.

Podcast 20180522_TPI

November 9, 2017

Donald Trump
Presidential War Powers

CFR's John B. Bellinger III joins James M. Lindsay and Robert McMahon to examine the Authorization for Use of Military Force.

Podcast TPI_11_09_2017

February 15, 2019

United States
TPI Replay: Presidential Emergency Powers With Matt Waxman

President Donald J. Trump has declared a national emergency to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. James M. Lindsay previously spoke with Matt Waxman, a professor of law at Columbia Law School…

Podcast President Donald Trump declares a national emergency.

September 9, 2021

Twenty Years After 9/11, Asian Powers Discuss Afghanistan, and More

Americans mark twenty years since the September 11th terrorist attacks, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) convenes for a summit to discuss security in Afghanistan, and Norway holds general …

Podcast Policemen and firemen run away from the huge dust cloud caused as the World Trade Center's Tower One collapses after terrorists crashed two hijacked planes into the twin towers, September 11, 2001 in New York City.

December 20, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The Year of AI and Elections

Billions of people will take to the polls next year, marking the world’s largest-ever electoral field. But this historic scale is not the only thing that will make 2024 unique. As new threats like de…

Podcast People from around the world casting ballots in elections. This image includes content generated by artificial intelligence.

May 23, 2024

India, Modi, and Hindu Nationalism

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the most popular man in India. On track to be elected for a third term, he has transformed the country’s economy and global standing while silencing dissent and galvan…

Podcast The celebration of the consecration ceremony of Ayodhya's Ram Temple.