105 Results for:

July 17, 2020

Wars and Conflict
Five Foreign-Policy Comedies Worth Watching

Each Friday this summer, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: comedy movies.

Movie posters clockwise from the top left: To Be or Not to Be/Rotten Tomatoes; Ninotchka/IMDB; Good Morning, Vietnam/Amazon; Stripes/TV Guide; Three Kings/Rotten Tomatoes; The Death of Stalin/Amazon.

August 27, 2019

South Africa
One More Step in Dismantling Apartheid's Legacy

On August 21, South Africa’s Equality Court ruled that gratuitous displays of the Apartheid-era flag counted as hate speech and discrimination. Confronting history head on, Judge Phineas Mojapelo wrote in his ruling that the flag represents “a vivid symbol of white supremacy and black disenfranchisement and suppression,” and flying it, “besides being racist and discriminatory, demonstrates a clear intention to be hurtful.” 

South Africa's apartheid-era flag flutters in front of three black police officers.

June 30, 2017

Duterte’s Misguided Southern Strategy

As the battle for Marawi, a major city of some 200,000 in the southern Philippines, has dragged on for weeks, it has begun to raise global concern. The conflict pits fighters who have pledged allegia…

Marawi airstrike_2.29.2017

June 12, 2018

South Africa
U.S. and Foreign Governments Should Be Skeptical of AfriForum's Lobbying

AfriForum, a self-described Afrikaner rights group, has positioned itself as an especially vocal critic of land expropriation, which the group views as an existential threat to white South Africans. In their campaign against expropriation without compensation, AfriForum has launched appeals abroad, raising the specter of the murder of white farmers and stoking fears of “white genocide” among American, European, and Australian leaders and media outlets. 


November 14, 2018

U.S. Economic Security and the Future of Work

Council on Foreign Relations 11/14 Academic Conference Call on U.S. economic security and the future of the American workforce.
