26 Results for:

March 2, 2022

Nigerian University Professors Are on Strike Again, but the Education Sector’s Crisis Transcends the Ivory Tower

Last week, following a breakdown in its negotiations with the Nigerian Federal Government, the Academic Staff Union of Nigerian Universities (ASUU), the umbrella body of faculty across the country’s public universities, embarked on a four-week “comprehensive and total strike.” ASUU had pleaded its case with various pressure groups and interested parties in the education sector before deciding that the most effective way to get the government’s attention was to go on yet another strike. The Nigerian public has reacted with understandable resignation. The latest strike is the union’s second in two years; the last strike in 2020 lasted nine months, effectively obliterating a whole academic calendar year. Data compiled by a local newspaper show that between 1999 and 2020, “ASUU went on strike for a total of 1,450 days.”

Several young students gather while protesting in an open space.

March 24, 2020

Coronavirus in South Asia, March 24, 2020: Outbreak in Pakistan and India on Lockdown

No country in South Asia has been fully spared by the coronavirus pandemic. This week Pakistan’s confirmed cases of COVID-19 ticked up dramatically, and India moved into a near-complete lockdown. Wit…

A life-size elephant statue with a face mask on a wheeled platform faces the camera through a narrow street.

February 15, 2023

United States
Meet Nikki Haley, Republican Presidential Candidate

The former South Carolina governor and former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations announced her candidacy for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Nikki Haley