327 Results for:

June 13, 2022

China and the Belt and Road Initiative in South Asia

To support its allies and partners in South Asia, the United States should assist South Asian countries in assessing Belt and Road Initiative risks and benefits.

November 9, 2022

West Africa
Climate Change and Conflict in the Sahel

The African countries of the Sahel stand to be among the most affected by climate change. To help mitigate its effects, Beza Tesfaye argues that the United States should partner with civil society groups and expand climate adaptation and financing efforts.

June 27, 2023

World Order
Council of Councils Twelfth Annual Conference

Sessions were held on the future of AI governance, accountability for war crimes in the invasion of Ukraine, reworking the Sustainable Development Goals and the global development model, revitalizing…

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks with France's President Emmanuel Macron as U.S. President Joe Biden speaks with Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

November 4, 2010

Energy and Climate Policy
Energy Innovation

Overview Low-carbon technology innovation and diffusion are both essential aspects of an effective response to climate change. Studying China, India, and Brazil, Michael A. Levi, Elizabeth C. Econ…

May 31, 2017

United States
A New Deal for the Twenty-First Century

Meeting America's economic challenges will require bipartisan cooperation and the adoption of a Twenty-First Century New Deal for American workers.

Iron workers twenty-first century deal