433 Results for:

October 2, 2017

Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Before Maria

My new discussion paper with Greg Makoff on economic and demographic trends in Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico Before Maria

May 22, 2024

International Criminal Court
The Role of the ICC

The International Criminal Court was created to bring justice to the world’s worst war criminals, but debate over the court still rages.

Judges are pictured in the courtroom during the trial of Bosco Ntaganda at the International Criminal Court.

November 13, 2018

Puerto Rico
Could Maria’s Legacy Be a New Debt Trap for Puerto Rico?

President Trump is right to worry that disaster aid will end up bailing out the holders of Puerto Rico's bonds, but there are better solutions to that particular problem than cutting off disaster aid…

Could Maria’s Legacy Be a New Debt Trap for Puerto Rico?

February 15, 2024

Leadership Change in Russia

Vladimir Putin’s grip on power in Russia does not appear as ironclad as it once did. Liana Fix and Maria Snegovaya recommend that the United States prepare for potential leadership change in Moscow a…

Vladimir Putin walks with Russian generals in 2021.

September 27, 2017

Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico After Maria: Initial Thoughts on the Fiscal and Economic Implications

Puerto Rico faced immense challenges even before the devastation from Hurricane Maria. Its economy is 15 percent smaller now than it was ten years ago, and the latest high frequency indicators from t…

Puerto Rican and U.S. Flags