156 Results for:

April 20, 2016

Global Climate Policy After Paris

As countries prepare to sign the landmark Paris climate accord, the work to reduce global carbon emissions is only beginning, says CFR’s Michael Levi.

April 5, 2013

Grand Strategy
A New Push for Mideast Peace

Secretary of State John Kerry is launching new Mideast shuttle diplomacy, but President Obama’s commitment to brokering an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement remains to be seen, says expert Martin I…

September 19, 2014

Can Summit Spur Climate Policy Changes?

While the UN climate summit will not deliver binding commitments to cut carbon emissions, real action on climate policy is occurring on the domestic front, says CFR’s Michael Levi.

September 28, 2009

’Dramatic Shift’ in German Politics Toward the Right

The right-of-center Free Democrats are big winners in Germany’s elections and, in coalition with Christian Democrats, will likely support pro-U.S. policies on Afghanistan and Iran, says expert Willia…

May 17, 2012

International Organizations
The G8 and Eurozone Clouds

This weekend’s G8 summit will be dominated by negotiations over the eurozone sovereign debt crisis and limiting contagion to the global economy, says expert C. Randall Henning.