582 Results for:

December 23, 2010

Aging, Youth Bulges, and Population
The Cost of the World’s Long Senior Moment

Trends in global aging in the coming decades pose serious fiscal challenges to developed and developing nations unless longstanding social policies are revamped, says CFR’s Michael Hodin.

December 29, 2011

Elections and Voting
Kicking off the 2012 GOP Contest

Looking ahead to the Iowa caucuses and upcoming primaries in January, CFR’s James Lindsay says Republican candidates are taking aim at President Obama’s foreign policies, yet it’s unclear what they w…

August 5, 2015

United States
The GOP Debate: Room for Foreign Policy?

The Republican presidential candidates are aligned on most foreign policy issues, but they could quarrel over immigration and the Iran nuclear deal in their first debate, says CFR’s James M. Lindsay…

June 18, 2015

Vatican City
How to Read Pope Francis on the Environment

The pope’s encyclical on the environment carries a profoundly religious message about care for the earth, wedded to a new call for activism, say religious scholars Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim.

February 12, 2013

Vatican City
Papacy in Transition

The surprise resignation of Pope Benedict XVI has given rise to speculations that the next pontiff to lead the Catholic Church will hail from the developing world, says expert James P. McCartin.