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January 10, 2013

Politics and Government
The World Next Week: Future U.S. Troop Levels in Afghanistan, Colombia and FARC Peace Talks, and the North American International Auto Show

The World Next Week podcast is up. Bob McMahon and I discussed the debate over future U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan, the resumption of peace talks between the Colombian government and the FARC reb…

U.S. president Barack Obama and Afghan president Hamid Karzai meet in Kabul in May 2012 (Kevin Lamarque/Courtesy Reuters).

May 22, 2013

Regional Organizations
Winds of Change in the War on Drugs: An OAS Report That Won’t Gather Dust

It was half a century ago that UK Prime Minister Harold McMillan famously noted the “winds of change” buffeting the British Empire. Old verities were crumbling and Great Britain would need to adapt t…

A Colombian police officer stands guard near packs of confiscated marijuana in Cali

October 6, 2023

Maduro Regime To Accept Venezuelans Returned Home: Why Now?

The Biden administration has announced that the Maduro regime will henceforth accept the return of Venezuelans deported from the United States. Will sanctions relief will soon follow?

October 7, 2016

Colombia's Failed Peace Deal

Experts discuss Colombia’s failed peace deal with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and its implications for the country’s future.

Podcast RTSR9PR_EC.jpg

July 9, 2014

Tremors from the BNP Paribas Case

The BNP Paribas case demonstrates the growing rigor of U.S. prosecutions of illicit finance, and will have implications for markets and the global banking industry, says expert Juan C. Zarate.