464 Results for:

June 4, 2010

World Cup and South Africa’s Unmet Goals

The upcoming soccer World Cup brings enormous prestige to South Africa’s still-emerging democracy. But for all its post-apartheid progress, the country still must fix deep-rooted economic and politic…

May 16, 2024

What Does Putin Really Want in Ukraine?

Russia’s early setbacks in its invasion of Ukraine could have foreclosed on some of President Vladimir Putin’s sweeping war objectives, but he is unlikely to relent given the conflict’s momentum.  

Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with military commanders in Moscow, Russia, May 2024.

December 22, 2015

The World Economy in 2016: Watch China

The main uncertainty in the global economy next year will be China, which could become the source of the next economic shock, writes CFR’s Sebastian Mallaby.

May 3, 2016

How to Reform the Ailing World Health Organization

Poor leadership is to blame for the WHO’s failure to reform its underlying institutional and structural problems in the wake of the Ebola debacle, writes CFR’s Yanzhong Huang.

May 31, 2024

U.S. Foreign Policy
Washington’s Ill-Fated Mideast Ambitions

U.S. administrations have backed sweeping efforts for societal change in the Middle East in recent decades, with poor results. But Washington can still achieve more modest, essential goals in the reg…

U.S. Marines walk toward a helicopter while carrying a portrait of toppled Iraqi President Saddam Hussein

August 31, 2017

Global Governance
How the BRICS Got Here

Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa have created a meaningful partnership over the last several years, but the rivalry between the bloc’s two most powerful members poses an obstacle to gre…

Danish Siddiqui/Reuters