40 Results for:

February 14, 2022

Ritual Killings in Nigeria Reflect Mounting Desperation for Wealth and Security Amid Creeping Collapse of Law and Order

Last week, Nigeria’s House of Representatives urged the Nigerian federal government to declare a state of emergency on the rising incidence of ritual killings in the country. Following a motion by its Deputy Minority Leader Toby Okechukwu, the country’s lower legislative chamber also called on the inspector general of police, Usman Alkali Baba, to “take urgent steps to increase surveillance and intelligence gathering with a view to apprehend and prosecute (sic) all perpetrators of ritual killings in Nigeria.”

A member of the Nigerian House of Representatives wearing a brown suit speaks to a man sitting behind a desk wearing a traditional Nigerian outfit.

April 16, 2021

Cyber Week in Review: April 16, 2021

Data of 1.3 million Clubhouse users leaked online; Biden taps National Security Agency veteran as first national cyber director; Operation to block hacker access to Microsoft Exchange servers approve…

U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks on Russia in the East Room at the White House.

June 24, 2020

U.S. Congress
FISA’s Current Controversies and Room for Improvement (Part Two)

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) has become almost impossibly political. In part two of our two-part series on FISA, former General Counsel of the National Security Agency Glenn Gerst…

U.S. Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz arrives to testify before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing "Examining the Inspector General's report on alleged abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)."

June 17, 2010

Energy and Climate Policy
Responding to the Chamber of Commerce

[This post is coauthored with Trevor Houser.] The Chamber of Commerce has responded to our analysis, published on Tuesday, of the Kerry-Lieberman American Power Act using their Energy Security Risk …

December 7, 2022

2022 in Review
Ten Anniversaries to Note in 2023

As 2022 comes to a close, here are ten notable historical anniversaries to mark in 2023.

Political cartoon depicting Uncle Sam as a large rooster protecting smaller roosters—Latin American countries—and Europe “cooped up” by the Monroe Doctrine.