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December 23, 2014

Where to Look for the Next Jack Ma?

Where to look for the next Jack Ma? This is a trillion dollar question. According to a document released by the State Council (China’s cabinet) last October, by 2020 the size of China’s health servic…


January 13, 2023

Cyber Week in Review: January 13, 2023

Supreme Court denies NSO petition; Biden calls for more technology regulation; Cyberespionage group targets nuclear labs; Flights grounded after computer outage; Jack Ma relinquishes control of Ant G…

Alibaba CEO Jack Ma arrives at the Tech for Good Summit in Paris, France in May 2019.

February 23, 2021

Tanzania’s COVID Denialism Harms its Economic Future

Beyond the immediate, detrimental effects for Tanzanians’ health, President John Magufuli’s aggressive COVID denialism is likely to dent the country’s economic prospects.

Two women in Tanzania are seen wearing gloves, masks, and facial shields to protect against COVID-19. Both are also wearing colorful, patterned clothing.

March 4, 2021

Territorial Disputes
Diplomatic Dithering Over Western Sahara Bodes Ill for Other African Disputes

On December 10, 2020, then President Donald Trump tweeted that because “Morocco recognized the United States in 1777,” the U.S. should return the favor by recognizing “[Moroccan] sovereignty over the Western Sahara.”

Then-U.S. Secretary of State James Baker, clutching a baseball cap, arrives in the Western Sahara in an attempt to broker a peace between the Polisario Front and Morocco over the disputed Western Sahara.

February 9, 2021

Security Deteriorating in Nigeria’s Former “Biafra”

Fighting between government forces and Igbo separatists risks adding another challenge for the Buhari administration. The emergence of an Igbo paramilitary force highlights the growing breakdown of any federal government monopoly on the use of force.

A concrete wall with barbed wire on top and bullet holes is pictured. IPOB, shorthand for the Indigenous People of Biafra, is written above a flag of the Republic of Biafra, a short-lived breakaway state in Nigeria. The flag has three horizontal bars--red, black, and green, from top to bottom--with a half-risen, yellow sun in the middle, black band.