41 Results for:

February 26, 2015

Health Policy and Initiatives
The Tobacco Treaty Turns Ten

The WHO’s tobacco treaty in 2005 was hailed as a crucial tool for controlling one of the world’s most lethal substances and as a model for confronting other global health problems. Ten years later it…

July 6, 2017

North Korea
Taking On North Korea at the G20

North Korea’s test of an intercontinental ballistic missile during the week of the Hamburg summit injects an air of crisis into an already tricky set of meetings.


May 18, 2018

Foreign Aid
PEPFAR’s Impact on Global Health Is Fading

During its fifteen years, PEPFAR has become one of the most important global health initiatives ever launched. However, its influence is fading, threatening the global fight against HIV/AIDS as the s…

Pepfar HIV testing

June 18, 2015

High Stakes in Greece

Greece teeters more than ever on the brink of a eurozone exit, a move that carries far greater consequences for Western interests than severing the monetary union, says CFR’s Sebastian Mallaby.

October 31, 2013

Reforming the Muslim Brotherhood

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood needs to withdraw and reform if it’s to become a viable political force in the years ahead. CFR’s Ed Husain highlights a course for change.