70 Results for:

August 12, 2015

Dominican Republic
Deportations in the Dominican Republic

Recent immigration actions  by the Dominican Republic are not likely to result in mass deportations of Haitians, as some fear, but could exacerbate already difficult conditions in Haiti, says expert …

January 30, 2014

The U.S. Dilemma in Egypt

The United States doesn’t welcome a military takeover in Egypt, but its options are hamstrung by the need for Egypt to be a regional security partner as well as a peace partner for Israel, says Miche…

October 13, 2010

Palestinian Territories
The Mideast Moratorium Mess

The end of Israel’s ban on settlement building creates political problems for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and a dilemma the Obama administration in part brought on itself, says Mideast expe…

June 22, 2010

Delicate Balance for U.S. in Kyrgyzstan

The displacement of Kyrgyzstan’s Uzbeks raises problems of legitimacy for Sunday’s constitutional referendum, as well as concerns about the U.S.-leased airbase at Manas, says Kyrgyzstan expert Michel…

June 23, 2015

Washington’s Egypt Dilemma

Two years since the Egyptian military deposed President Mohammed Morsi, human rights abuses are being committed at an unprecedented level, but the United States remains deeply invested in maintaining…