272 Results for:

July 3, 2019

North Korea
No Time to Abandon Denuclearization

The United States should maintain a resolute policy aimed at denuclearizing North Korea.


June 13, 2014

Immigration and Migration
Immigration Reform Is Dead, Precisely When We Need It Most

With Eric Cantor’s loss earlier this week, most believe immigration reform is dead. Yet with tens of thousands of Mexican and Central American children flooding across the U.S. southern border, a leg…

Migrants who just disembarked from a U.S. ICE bus wait for a Greyhound official to process their tickets to their next destination at a Greyhound bus station in Phoenix

April 20, 2022

Macron vs. Le Pen: What’s at Stake in the French Election?

Even if French President Emmanuel Macron is able to fend off the challenge from his far-right opponent, Marine Le Pen, he could struggle to form an effective government.

September 9, 2021

Boko Haram Capture of Military Equipment Fuels Lake Chad Insurgency

A new report shows that the quantities of lethal materiel seized by Boko Haram from state stockpiles are astonishingly high, and the range of weapon systems lost is worryingly extensive. The diversion of contingent-owned equipment (COE)—that is, government-owned materiel—from the four Lake Chad Basin countries participating in and alongside the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has occurred on a level unprecedented on the African continent.

Two solders crouch on one knee, one with an assault rifle pointed forward, the other with his rifle aimed at the ground. Behind them is a Toyota pickup truck with a mounted gun in the back, with another soldier manning the gun.