83 Results for:

August 20, 2012

Legendary Female Cyber Cop: What Do New ’Model Workers’ Tell Us About Chinese Cyber Policy?

There is a long tradition of the Chinese Communist Party acknowledging and honoring "model workers," selfless citizens who contribute to the building of modern China. While in the early years after t…

Sina Weibo Homepage of Gao Yuan, "The Legendary Female Cyber Cop."

November 7, 2007

The strains of monetary policy

michael pettisWednesday’s South China Morning Post reports that Cheng Siwei, vice-chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, parliament’s top advisory body, said that Beijing…

February 7, 2014

Friday Asia Update: Top Five Stories for the Week of February 7, 2014

Lauren Dickey, Darcie Draudt, Will Piekos, and Sharone Tobias look at the top stories in Asia today. 1. Pakistan begins official peace talks with the Taliban. Pakistani government officials and Tali…

Maulana Sami ul-Haq, one of the Taliban negotiators, and government negotiator Irfan Siddiqui (L) smile before a news conference in Islamabad on February 6, 2014. (Mian Khursheed/Courtesy Reuters)

May 16, 2019

Trump’s Trade War Unimportant in Grand Scheme of Things

Experts from the Council of Councils grade international cooperation on global trade a middling C in 2018, rank it one of the lowest priorities on the global agenda, and are only somewhat optimistic …

Workers are seen on scaffolding at a construction site in Nantong, Jiangsu province, China, on January 1, 2019.

June 10, 2016

Friday Asia Update: Five Stories From the Week of June 10, 2016

Rachel Brown, Lincoln Davidson, Theresa Lou, Gabriella Meltzer, and Gabriel Walker look at five stories from Asia this week. 1. Poisoned Vietnamese fish fuel popular discontent. A massive die-off of…


June 12, 2019

Global Governance
It’s the Global Economy, Stupid!

Experts from the Council of Councils rank managing the global economy the second highest priority on the global agenda and graded the world's performance on the issue a middling C+. 

A trader at the stock exchange reacts to the election of Donald Trump in Frankfurt, Germany on November 9, 2016.