2,137 Results for:

April 18, 2011

United States
TWE Remembers: The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

  All revolutions begin with a single act that changes everything. America’s began on April 18, 1775, when British General Thomas Gage ordered 700 British Army regulars under the command of Lt. Co…

Paul Revere

August 20, 2007

Financial Markets
Reverse engineering financial engineering

The process that turned subprime mortgages into triple AAA rated securities is, by now, pretty well known.   Rich Bookstaber (his blog is here) describes the process nicely.Here's the recipe for a CD…

December 18, 2006

2006: 1998, only in reverse

In 1998, oil collapsed.  In 2006, oil soars. In 1998,  Russia defaulted after Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin refused to throw good money after bad, and blocked NSC pressure to continue disburse more…

September 19, 2014

Protests Threaten Democracy in Asia, in a Bizarre Reversal of Democratic Norms

Although I am not CFR’s South Asia expert, the past month of protests in Pakistani by Pakistani politician Imran Khan, who has been camped out close to parliament along with his supporters, brings to…

islamabad protest

June 27, 2017

Role Reversal: As the United States Steps Back From Global Leadership, India Steps Up

As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives in Washington for his first meeting with U.S. President Donald J. Trump, he will find an America rethinking its global leadership role, looking more inw…

U.S. President Donald Trump (L) and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi head back to the Oval Office after delivering joint statements in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, U.S., June 26, 2017.