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March 8, 2019

Democratic Republic of Congo
Global Conflict This Week: New Reforms and Transitions in the DRC

Developments in conflicts across the world that you might have missed this week.

DRC outgoing President Kabila and his successor Felix Tshisekedi stand during Tshisekedi's inauguration ceremony

February 6, 2019

Democratic Republic of Congo
The Truth About United States’ Complicity in DRC’s Fraudulent Election

Despite having suggested it would isolate and pressure those undermining democracy in Congo just days before, the Trump administration decided to join other states in accepting the sham outcome in an effort to stave off a potentially violent stalemate in Congo. The wisdom of that choice is debatable.

DRC Blog Post

January 14, 2019

Democratic Republic of Congo
Accountability Lacking in Congo Election Debate

The Democratic Republic of the Congo’s complicated and long-delayed elections ended with a surprise twist. Right now, it appears that Tshisekedi owes his victory to Kabila and the People's Party for Reconstruction and Democracy. That loss of connective tissue to the citizens of the country distorts accountability in ways unlikely to deliver the relief from predatory governance that the Congolese people crave.

Supporters of the runner-up in Democratic Republic of Congo's presidential election, Martin Fayulu hold a sign before a political rally in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, January 11, 2019.

August 15, 2018

Democratic Republic of Congo
Kabila Will Not Stand in Elections, but Will Congo Really Change?

After keeping his own citizens and the international community in suspense for over two years past the end of his mandate in 2016, President Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of the Congo anno…


September 16, 2013

Monetary Policy
Why the Labor Data Point to a September Fed Taper

The August “jobs report is an important reminder that all this tapering talk is insane and dangerous,” pronounced Slate economics writer Matt Yglesias, reflecting the consensus of the econo-commen…

Why the Labor Data Point to a September Fed Taper