16 Results for:

May 7, 2019

International Law
Four Challenges for International Law and Cyberspace: Sartre, Baby Carriages, Horses, and Simon & Garfunkel Part 2

For years states and scholars have struggled with questions of when and how international law applies to cyberspace. The final post in the two-part series will provide imagery to help grapple with th…

Members of the United Nations Security Council at the United Nations headquarters in New York, U.S., February 24, 2018.

November 15, 2012

Obama's New Cabinet: Time for a Strong Commerce Secretary

As President Obama mulls over the appointments for his second term cabinet, there’s one job that deserves a much higher priority than it’s had in the recent past: the Commerce Secretary. Commerce sec…

The U.S. Commerce Department (ncindc/Flickr).

August 12, 2012

South Korea
Remembering Ambassador Kim Kyung-won

The news that former South Korean Ambassador to the United States Kim Kyung-won passed away last month provides an opportunity to reflect both on his contributions to the U.S.-ROK alliance and its re…

7-김경원-1 formatted

July 5, 2017

Getting Chief Executives to Take Cyber Risks Seriously

CEOs and their boards of directors should pay more attention to the cybersecurity risks that could devastate their business.

Server Farm

January 4, 2013

United States
You Might Have Missed: Targeted Killings, Renditions, and Hollywood Myths

Iona Craig and Nico Hines, “Saudi Jets Join America’s Secret War in Yemen,” The Times, January 4, 2013. The Times has learnt that up to 228 people were killed last year by covert attacks in Yemen, i…
