22 Results for:

March 1, 2011

Calderón’s Visit to Washington

I published a CFR expert brief on President Calderón’s trip to Washington on March 2-3.

Calderon Obama visit

August 9, 2011

Drug Cartel Fragmentation and Violence

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents usher Fabio Ochoa, Colombian drug kingpin, to an awaiting vehicle following his extradition from Colombia to Florida, September 8, 2001(Courtesy Reuters). …

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents usher Fabio Ochoa, Colombian drug kingpin, to an awaiting vehicle following his extradition from Colombia to  Florida, September 8, 2001(Courtesy Reuters).

June 25, 2012

Morning Brief: Looming Global Shortage of High-Skill Workers

According to the McKinsey Global Institute, the world will face a shortage of up to 40 million college-educated workers in 2020, and a glut of 90 to 95 million more low-skill workers than required. T…

Graduates in the Class of 2012 take part in commencement exercises at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California (Phil McCarten/Courtesy Reuters).

May 31, 2006

Interesting recent work on China

Chinese stock markets have not been as frothy as the Chinese economy – though the Chinese market is doing better in 2006 than it has for a long time.  But what doesn’t go up as fast also doesn’t nece…

September 7, 2006

Tyler Cowen apparently did not read my China testimony! The RMB’s value does influence trade flows

The New York Times’ conservative columnists certainly know how to get my blood boiling.  David Brooks, among other things, apparently thinks the key to a hedge fund salary is good people skills – not…