216 Results for:

August 17, 2010

Summer Reading

I’m traveling for the next couple weeks and so will be posting lightly (at best). In lieu of analysis, here are a few things I’ve been reading that I’d encourage others to look at too: “Evaluation o…

May 20, 2016

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2016 Friday Foreign Policy Roundup: It’s the Economy, Stupid

A Gallup poll out this week found that the economy remains the country’s top concern. Eighteen percent of Americans flag the “economy in general” as the most important problem facing the nation, whil…

A flag flies in front of the blast furnaces at the now-closed Bethlehem Steel mill in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

September 23, 2010

The Iranian Nuclear Program: Some Observations from Israel

I spent the first part of this week in Israel talking to people about the Iranian nuclear program. I thought I’d share a few observations. (While I’m writing about travel: I’ll be in Shanghai and Hon…

January 27, 2016

Sub-Saharan Africa
South African Icon Disillusioned with Ruling Party Leadership

On January 24, in London, UK Prime Minister David Cameron honored Nelson Mandela’s three surviving co-defendants at the 1964 Rivonia trial. They were Denis Goldberg, Ahmad Kathrada, and Andrew Mlange…


March 3, 2014

United States
Obama the Realist?

In the current issue of Politico, Fred Kaplan argues that President Obama is the consummate realist in foreign policy.  Politico asked me to comment, and my response can be found here, entitled "Obam…