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September 23, 2020

The White House Adopts Cybersecurity Policy for Activities in Outer Space

The Trump administration's newly issued directive on cybersecurity policy for outer space is another small step towards taking cyber threats to U.S. space systems seriously.

Vice President Mike Pence in front of the Space Shuttle Discovery.

June 14, 2024

Election 2024
Election 2024: Will Washington Address Its Debt and Deficit Problem?

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This Week: The United States may come to rue its failure to get its fiscal house in order. 

The National Debt Clock

October 8, 2018

United States
The White House National Cyber Strategy: Continuity with a Hint of Hyperbole

There seems to be a general consensus that the White House's new cyber strategy is a continuation of existing policy. However, the us-versus-them approach the strategy takes could pose a problem. 

The White House

April 27, 2018

Nigeria’s Buhari to Visit White House

In the case of Buhari’s visit, the fact that the president of Africa’s most populous country is visiting Washington may be more important to strengthening the U.S.-Africa relationship than any discussion of policy during the trip. 


March 12, 2020

China’s State Media Outlets: The White House Cracks Down, But How Much of a Threat Are They?

In recent weeks, the Trump administration has taken increasingly tough measures against Chinese state media outlets operating in the United States. The White House has forced state broadcasters like …

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to China's Vice Premier Liu He as Vice President Mike Pence looks on during a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House on January 31, 2019.

March 28, 2019

South Africa
Right-Wing White Party Releases Election Manifesto in South Africa

Looking to the May 8 elections, the party rolled-out its election manifesto in early March. Party leader Pieter Groenewald’s speech was mostly in Afrikaans and sounded themes to be found on the white and coloured right.
