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August 25, 2020

Niger Attack Demonstrates Islamic State in West Africa’s Growing Reach

The area between Niamey, Niger and Niger State, Nigeria will not be spared from jihadist groups’ attacks any longer and ISWA’s two branches, Shekau’s faction, and Ansaru will all be competing for recruits in the same areas.

Six Nigerian soldiers, in an armored truck, hold up a flag seized from Boko Haram. The flag is black, with a white circle in the middle with black Arabic writing.

October 1, 2013

Is Israel the "Bad Cop" on Iran?

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech at the UN put forth Israel’s view of Iran, but Israel is in a tough position. As I write in Foreign Affairs today, Israelis "do not wish to play the bad cop role in…

October 9, 2019

Xi Jinping to India: Mamallapuram Edition

The Indian government announced today that Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit India later this week for an “informal summit” with Prime Minister Narendra Modi beginning October 11. The leader-le…

Modi and Xi in China

October 1, 2020

How to Build Better Militaries in Africa: Lessons from Niger

Niger is a key partner of the U.S. in West Africa. The United States provides a range of assistance to Niger, but the country stands out because strategic-level reforms have been taken seriously by both the United States and the partner country. 

Nigerien soldier, wearing fatigues, sunglasses, a brown hat, and with a gun resting on his shoulder, stands guard.

September 29, 2022

Suhasini Haidar: The Success of U.S.-India Cooperation Depends on Indian Democracy

The erosion of press freedoms is just one example of India’s authoritarian turn. If India’s democracy weakens further, can the United States continue to view it as a counterpoint to China?

Headshot of Suhasini Haidar