203 Results for:

September 16, 2014

Middle East and North Africa

After forty years, UN forces meant to separate Israel and Syria have fled their posts--fled into Israel, for safety. Here is the account from The Tower web site: The United Nations Disengagement Obs…

November 6, 2019

South Africa
Renowned American Anti-Apartheid Activist Passes Away

Jennifer Davis, an American anti-apartheid activist, died on October 15. Among her many legacies, she mobilized public pressure on Congress to overturn President Ronald Reagan’s veto of the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act.

A women speaks at a committee meeting while a man and woman look on next to her.

November 28, 2012

North Korea
South Korea’s Launch and North Korean Satellite Envy: Take Two

In a previous post from last month, I asserted that South Korea’s efforts to launch its own satellite would likely enrage North Korea, which is banned from conducting similar launches under UN Securi…


July 15, 2013

The Implications of China’s Economic Slowdown

News of a credit crunch and broader economic slowdown in China once again raises the question of how that country’s evolving economy might affect its political trajectory. The traditional view of mod…