502 Results for:

February 1, 2005

If a Kansan is going to run the World Bank

Please pick Kassebaum-Baker rather than Brownback. Kassebaum is sort of like the Christine Todd Whitman of Kansas politics; Brownback is more the Rick Santorum. I suspect that Brownback won’t get t…

March 8, 2005

United States
The sharecropper society

I suspect Warren Buffet would agree with Bill Gross.There is one easy way to make it easier for the US to deal with its own aging population: Stop promising so much of our future income to support th…

November 15, 2005

RGE Econoblog with Sebastian Mallaby

OK, not a true Wall Street Journal style Econoblog.   But Sebastian Mallaby of the Washington Post noted my response to his October 31st column, and has agreed to allow me to publish our email exchan…

November 28, 2007

Politics and Government
Voting in Venezuela

This Sunday Venezuelans will vote on a referendum comprising 69 changes to the existing Constitution. Many of these push the country further toward Chavez’s 21st Century Socialism, expanding pensions…

March 3, 2010

Report from Thailand: The Political Divide and the Judiciary

It’s Antonin Scalia’s nightmare. Challenged over the past decade by the rise of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, the first Thai leader to unite the rural poor and challenge entrenched elites…