63 Results for:

May 9, 2023

Crisis in Quito: President Guillermo Lasso Heads to Impeachment Vote 

Polarization is pushing Ecuador to the brink of a constitutional crisis

Anti-Lasso Protestor

May 15, 2023

Latin America
Latin America’s Moment Returns

The Council on Foreign Relations’ blog on Latin America and the world will again feature regular analysis and updates on trends shaping the region.

Migrants stand near the border wall after crossing the Rio Bravo river with the intention of turning themselves in to the U.S. Border Patrol agents, as seen from Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

February 14, 2024

Can Ecuador Avoid Becoming a Narco-State

Criminal groups have captured parts of the state. A broad political coalition must fight corruption and root them out.

Photo of Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa

December 1, 2021

United States
TWE History-Related Blogs and Videos

A list of all blog posts and videos reflecting on historical events from The Water's Edge. 

The U.S. Capitol Building is flanked by two rows of U.S. flags.

September 6, 2016

Obama: See No Evil, See No Enemies

Two almost simultaneous events in recent days have shed even more light on the Obama administration’s treatment of America’s enemies. In Cuba, a Marxist, pro-Russian, anti-American tyranny, the ad…

December 23, 2020

Elections and Voting
Ten Elections to Watch in 2021

Numerous countries will hold elections in 2021. Here are ten to watch. 

Myanmar voter