89 Results for:

September 29, 2022

Gender Equality and Amplifying Women's Voices

Ann Norris, senior fellow for women and foreign policy at CFR, along with Meredith Martino, executive director of Women in Government, discuss women’s rights efforts and amplifying female voices in g…

Play Image of Crowd at Global Citizen Festival

February 2, 2023

Religion and Foreign Policy Webinar: Lula's Presidency and the Future of Brazil

Nick Zimmerman, senior advisor at WestExec Advisors and global fellow at the Wilson Center’s Brazil Institute, and Amy Erica Smith, liberal arts and sciences dean’s professor and associate professor …

Play Lula's Presidency and the Future of Brazil

April 23, 2018

United States
The Rise of Illiberal Democracies

Speakers discuss the growing trend toward populism around the world and the current global state of democracy.

Play The Rise of Illiberal Democracies

May 10, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence in Journalism

Amy Webb, Joan Donovan, and Mehtab Khan discuss implications for artificial intelligence in journalism, the risk of its spreading of disinformation and malign influence, and advice for using artifici…

Play Carla Amy Mehtab Joan on Stage at CFR

January 18, 2024

Aging, Youth Bulges, and Population
Responding to Demographic Trends

Jess Maurer, executive director of the Maine Council of Aging, discusses demographic trends in Maine and the work of her organization. Jennifer Sciubba, global fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Internatio…

Play Lady Playing Pickleball

December 19, 2023

Labor and Employment
U.S. Strikes and Global Trends in Labor and Productivity

A. Michael Spence, distinguished visiting fellow at CFR, provides a global perspective on the changing landscape of labor and economic productivity. Sharon Block, professor of practice and executive …

Play Hollywood writers on strike

February 25, 2008

Elections and Voting
A Conversation with Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr.

Watch Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-DE) discuss his recent trip to Afghanistan and Pakistan.
