313 Results for:

June 9, 2009

North Korea
Coping with Pyongyang: Regional Diplomacy Still Vital

Northeast Asian regional security talks appear increasingly doomed since North Korea’s latest missile and nuclear tests. CFR’s Sheila Smith argues the talks are worth reviving.

April 7, 2015

Global Health Goal Hits and Misses

A review of the Millennium Development Goals winding down in 2015 offers insights on global health efforts that could inform an even more ambitious UN initiative set to launch this year, writes CFR’s…

February 2, 2011

Egypt’s Uphill Economic Struggles

Whatever change follows Egypt’s political turbulence, any new government will have to confront the country’s rampant unemployment, cronyism, and other factors impeding growth and development, in addi…

February 1, 2012

How Myanmar Changed and What It Means

Myanmar’s sudden transition from repressive pariah to potential democracy should be viewed through the lens of a military alarmed by people power revolts and by the country’s increasingly shaky econo…

June 14, 2016

Russia’s 2016 Parliamentary Elections: A Putin Scorecard

Is President Vladimir Putin on a roll or on the ropes? A case can be made for both, and upcoming parliamentary elections might yield some surprises, writes CFR’s Stephen Sestanovich.