18 Results for:

May 20, 2016

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2016 Friday Foreign Policy Roundup: It’s the Economy, Stupid

A Gallup poll out this week found that the economy remains the country’s top concern. Eighteen percent of Americans flag the “economy in general” as the most important problem facing the nation, whil…

A flag flies in front of the blast furnaces at the now-closed Bethlehem Steel mill in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

May 23, 2014

Defense and Security
You Might Have Missed: One Year After Obama’s Drone Speech

Harold Hongju Koh, “Ending the Forever War: One Year After President Obama’s NDU Speech,” JustSecurity.org, May 23, 2014. The President’s historic move in that speech was to call for the eventual re…

Obama NDU speech

March 4, 2021

The President's Inbox Episodes by Topic

A comprehensive list of each episode of The President's Inbox organized by topic. 

Resolute desk

July 5, 2012

Military Operations
How the Obama Administration Justifies Targeted Killings

Despite almost ten years of operations and nearly four hundred airstrikes that killed an estimated three thousand people (both militants and civilians), both the Bush and Obama administrations have p…

Holder Northwestern