1,037 Results for:

April 18, 2019

Immigration and Migration
TWNW Presents: The President’s Inbox on Trade and Immigration

Ted Alden joins Jim Lindsay to discuss trade and immigration policy after the congressional midterms. Ted is the Bernard L. Schwartz senior fellow at the Council on Fore­­­ign Relations, specializing…

Podcast Central Americans en route to the United States walk along a highway in Mexico.

November 29, 2010

Why the Cancun Climate Talks Matter

Why the Cancun Climate Talks Matter The sixteenth annual UN climate negotiations kick off today in Cancun. I’ve got a couple pieces out this morning looking at different aspects of the talks, in …

September 13, 2023

Who Runs the World?... Not Women

Female representation in politics leads to numerous benefits, but the vast majority of the world’s most powerful politicians are men. Using the Council on Foreign Relations’ Women’s Power Index tool …

Podcast Woman holding child while participating in Congress.

November 15, 2018

United Kingdom
Brexit Deal Shakes Up May's Cabinet, and APEC Summit Overshadowed by Trade War

A Brexit deal triggers a political crisis in Britan, trade wars loom large as the APEC Summit gets underway, and an Ebola outbreak in Congo threatens to spread. Ted Alden sits in for Bob McMahon.  …

Podcast Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May makes a statement on Brexit negotiations with the European Union on September 21, 2018.

November 9, 2023

Cyber Week in Review: November 9, 2023

U.S., Japan, and South Korea launch effort to combat North Korean cyberattacks; Baidu ordering chips from Huawei; Senators push new AI bill; Meta to require disclosure of use of generative AI in ads;…

The logo of Baidu's AI chatbot Ernie Bot is displayed near a screen showing the Baidu logo, in this illustration picture taken June 28, 2023