654 Results for:

May 7, 2012

Defense and Security
Hello, François Hollande: President of France

Streaks are made to be broken. After seventeen years on the outside looking in, a Socialist Party candidate has finally returned to the French presidency. François Hollande defeated Nicolas Sarkozy b…


December 8, 2014

Ten Elections to Watch in 2015

Numerous countries will hold elections in 2015. Here are ten to watch. 


March 24, 2015

Politics and Government
Campaign 2016: Senator Ted Cruz, GOP Presidential Candidate

Someone had to be first. When it comes to the 2016 presidential campaign, that person is Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). Yesterday, he formally announced that he is running for president. Cruz’s rise to nat…


October 20, 2015

You Might Have Missed: Recent Academic Journal Findings III

This is the third blog post in this series. The previous two were published in February and July, and highlight earlier academic findings. Elizabeth N. Saunders, “War and the Inner Circle: Democrat…


August 2, 2009

Monetary Policy
How much do the major Sovereign Wealth Funds manage?

This post is by Brad Setser and Rachel Ziemba of RGE Monitor A score of recent reports have put the total assets managed by sovereign wealth funds at around $3 trillion. That seems high to us – at…