724 Results for:

January 14, 2016

Our New Ally Iran

This photo tells us a great deal about American foreign policy today. Human Rights Watch, not known as a right-wing group, has noted that it appears to violate international agreements prohibiting…

USMC seized by Iran

September 22, 2020

Local and Traditional Leadership
Mali Update: Stand-Off

On September 21, the military junta that overthrew the Mali government of President Ibrahim Keita announced a transitional government. It is headed by retired Colonel Bah N'Daw, with junta leader Colonel Assimi Goïta as his vice president.

Malian coup leader Assimi Goita sits, in full military clothing, at a table during negotiations with ECOWAS. A red, yellow, and green flag is visible in the background.

June 14, 2023

United States
Happy Birthday to the U.S. Army!

The U.S. Army turns 248 years old today.


October 7, 2020

Local and Traditional Leadership
Military Consolidates its Hold on Mali's Interim Government

On October 5, Mali's interim president, retired colonel Bah Ndaw, announced his cabinet. As is frequent in West Africa, it is large, with twenty-five members.

Two African men, one in military clothing, one in traditional white clothing, attend a presidential inauguration. The flag of Mali can be seen.

May 28, 2021

United States
Remembering Those Whom Memorial Day Honors

The United States has fought twelve major wars and numerous smaller skirmishes in its history. Memorial Day is how we honor the soldiers, sailors, airmen, airwomen, and marines who did not return hom…

Memorial Day