4,436 Results for:

July 5, 2016

Donald Trump’s Trade-Talk Trickery

After months of campaigning on nothing but the most banal of generalities about lost American greatness and crooked opponents, Donald Trump got down in the weeds last week. Way down. In a major sp…


September 24, 2018

United Nations
UN Prepares for Donald Trump—and a Second Helping of “America First”

Trump has revealed himself to be a man resistant to compromise, with few qualms about going it alone when he doesn’t get his way. For the leaders gathering for the UN General Assembly this week, the …

Trump and Haley

October 31, 2017

Donald Trump’s Asia Adventure: Show Me the Love

As President Trump prepares to embark on a five country journey to Asia, including stops in Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines, his team has been working in overdrive to ensure that th…

U.S. President Donald Trump attends the bilateral meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G20 leaders summit in Hamburg, Germany July 8, 2017.

September 12, 2017

United Nations
Thug Life: Why is Donald Trump So Cozy with Dictators?

In an op-ed recently published in The Hill, I examine President Donald J. Trump’s embrace of foreign strongmen. You can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps. Donald Trump’s strange affin…

President Donald Trump shakes hands with Russia's President Vladimir Putin.

August 9, 2017

North Korea
What Is Behind The War Of Words Between Donald Trump And Kim Jong Un

North Korea has accelerated the timeline for its missile development with two ICBM tests in July. Then the United States engineered a UN Security Council resolution designed to shut down North Korea’…

The North Korean Endgame

May 14, 2024

On to Wisconsin: RealEcon Visits the Badger State

From ginseng farms to food-processing facilities, Wisconsin businesses shine light on how trade policy and foreign investment impact rural America.

Darin Von Ruden, the owner of the Von Ruden's Organic Dairy Farm walks on his farm in Westby, Wisconsin, on October 3, 2020. - In western Wisconsin, where family-run dairy farms dot the rolling green hills and eagle-watchers peer into the sparkling marshland, signs for Donald Trump and Joe Biden stand directly across each other on neighbors' yards. In a polarized United States where Democrats and Republicans increasingly self-segregate, this stretch of the Upper Midwest alongside the Mississippi River looks