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December 31, 2010

Friday File: Let it Snow

Above the Fold. President Obama had the right idea in heading off to Hawaii. I opted for Boston and was rewarded with 20-plus inches of snow. That would have been great if I liked to ski or shovel …

Friday File: Let it Snow

February 17, 2012

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Friday File: Anthony Shadid

Above the Fold. Anthony Shadid, a New York Times foreign correspondent, died yesterday while covering the ongoing political upheaval in Syria. He wasn’t cut down by the violence of what is becoming a…

Anthony Shadid (right) with other New York Times journalists and Turkey's Ambassador to Libya on March 21, 2011. (Handout/courtesy Reuters)

January 20, 2022

Robert E. Rubin: The Challenges and Future of Capitalism in the United States

There are many critical challenges for the U. S. economy that markets, by their nature, will not address. In this sense, the future of American capitalism thus depends on the future of American polit…

September 6, 2019

Good Riddance to Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe

During his thirty-seven years in power in Zimbabwe, he committed virtually every human rights violation there is. His hands were awash in the blood of Zimbabweans. Fanning and exploiting racial and class differences, he destroyed the country’s economy, once on the cusp of being one of Africa’s most developed, driving out commercial white farmers. By the time he died, Zimbabwe was an international pariah, an economic basket case, and many or most of the country’s most educated and productive citizens had left the country.

Robert Mugabe stands in front of a blurred out, saluting soldier.

September 22, 2011

United States
Confirm Robert Ford

New U.S. ambassador Robert Ford (R) talks with Syria's President Bashar al-Assad after presenting his credentials to Assad, in Damascus January 27, 2011 (Courtesy Reuters/SANA). The United States Se…

Confirm Robert Ford