682 Results for:

June 4, 2024

A Second Coming?

Among a cross section of Nigerian Christians, support for former US President Donald Trump remains stubbornly strong.  

Former U.S. president Donald Trump prays with pastors

February 6, 2023

United States
Women in the 118th Congress: Halting Progress, Storm Clouds Ahead

Women made modest gains in representation in the 2022 Congressional midterms but the path for women's issues in the 118th Congress is uncertain.

women in congress

December 15, 2011

Defense and Security
Guest Post: Linda Robinson on the End of the Iraq War

Members of the U.S. Air Force board a plane at al-Asad air base in Iraq before flying to the United States. (Mohammed Ameen/courtesy Reuters) I woke up this morning to an email inbox full of news al…

Members of the U.S. Air Force board a plane before flying to the U.S., at al-Asad air base in Iraq’s western province of Anbar November 1, 2011. U.S. President Barack Obama announced on Oct. 21 that American troops would fully withdraw from Iraq by year-end, as scheduled under a 2008 security pact between the two countries. Picture taken November 1, 2011. REUTERS/Mohammed Ameen

May 22, 2012

Peter Thiel and the Great College Debate

Should more Americans go to college? I would have thought the answer is an unequivocal yes. The evidence is overwhelming that college graduates have lower unemployment rates, earn far more money, and…

Co-founder of PayPal Peter Thiel speaks during a news conference in Washington in October 2011 (Yuri Gripas/Courtesy Reuters).

August 25, 2005

Capital Flows
Peter Galbraith and Iraq

I think the folks over at TPM Café are right: David Brooks' latest New York Times column is a real flip-flop.  He has gone from celebrating the United States firm commitment to universal democratic p…