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June 6, 2024

What Escalating Hezbollah-Israel Tensions and the War in Gaza Mean for Lebanon

Already hobbled by economic struggles, Lebanon now faces the prospect of war as the militant group and political party Hezbollah clashes with Israel in apparent support of Palestinians in the Gaza St…

May 27, 2012

Middle East and North Africa
Disgrace in Syria

Headlines around the world this weekend tell of a massacre in Syria: artillery killed ninety people, of whom a third were children, in one village. The Assad regime has of course denied responsibilit…

December 21, 2018

Syria’s Changing Power Grid: What Turkey Wants

The U.S. withdrawal from Syria removes the main obstacle to a Turkish campaign to eradicate Syrian Kurdish forces and could lead to a more dangerous phase of Syria’s civil war.

Kurdish soldier

March 26, 2020

Syrian Civil War
Syria’s Revenge on the World Will Be a Second Wave of Coronavirus

The pandemic will soon magnify the threats festering in the Middle East’s longest-running war.

June 5, 2018

Northern Syria: The United States, Turkey, and the Kurds

Panelists discuss the ongoing conflict in Northern Syria and how the United States should handle its relationships with the affected parties, including Turkey and the Kurds. 

Play Northern Syria: The United States, Turkey, and the Kurds