261 Results for:

April 14, 2011

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Is Not al-Qaeda, Says CFR Senior Fellow Ed Husain

Senior Fellow Ed Husain discusses Egypt’s largest Islamist organization, and how it may be more willing to engage in diplomacy than al-Qaeda.

June 23, 2011

Cybersecurity and the Private Sector

AT&T’s Chief Security Officer, Edward Amoroso, discusses the recent spate of cyberattacks and how governments and the private sector can help protect infrastructure and prevent future attacks with Ad…

August 16, 2023

The Stakes for Taiwan's Diplomacy in Three Questions

Taiwan's relationship with the United States, China, and the rest of the world has a complex history that informs why the island is so consequential to today's geopolitics. To better understand these…


May 25, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
How Artificial Intelligence Could Change the World

Artificial Intelligence (AI) could transform economies, politics, and everyday life. Some experts believe this increasingly powerful technology could lead to amazing advances and prosperity. Yet, man…


July 11, 2013

Staying Safe in a Biology Revolution

CFR Senior Fellow for Global Health Laurie Garrett explains the conundrum of dual-use research of concern (DURC), in which the same experiments that allow scientists to understand pandemics can also …