690 Results for:

July 6, 2004

United States
Lindsay: Kerry’s Decision to Pick Edwards ’Makes a Lot of Sense’

James M. Lindsay, the Council’s director of studies and a longtime student of American politics, says that despite Senator John Edwards’ (D-N.C.) lack of foreign policy experience, presumptive nomine…

October 1, 2015

Risky Russian Moment in Syria

Russia’s military buildup in Syria could set back the self-proclaimed Islamic State and lay the groundwork for a political transition, but could also lead to a confrontation with the United States, s…

August 26, 2010

Anxious Iraqis Look at Uncertain Future

Iraqis worry that political stalemate, widespread corruption, and weak domestic security forces will plague their country if the U.S. pulls out completely next year, says veteran journalist Jane Arra…

January 23, 2014

Small Steps to Syrian Transition?

Though it’s unlikely the Geneva II talks on Syria will yield major breakthroughs, movement is possible on humanitarian aid, cease-fires, and prisoner exchanges, says former ambassador to Syria Edward…

June 29, 2016

United Kingdom
What Brexit Reveals About Rising Populism

The United Kingdom’s vote to leave the EU demonstrates that rising populism in Europe and the United States are both driven by voters who feel alienated from the benefits of globalization, says CFR’s…