70 Results for:

November 29, 2016

Sub-Saharan Africa
South Africa’s Wounded President Zuma Survives

Over the weekend of November 27, Jacob Zuma faced his greatest political challenge to date, a vote of ‘no-confidence’ from within his own party, the African National Congress (ANC). He had previously…


May 23, 2014

Sub-Saharan Africa
South Africa’s Political Playground

This is a guest post by Derek Charles Catsam, associate professor of History and the Kathlyn Cosper Dunagan fellow in the Humanities at the University of Texas of the Perman Basin. Derek was senior e…

African National Congress (ANC) election posters featuring images of South Africa's President Jacob Zuma are displayed on a wall as a school boy climbs over it in Embo May 6, 2014.

August 1, 2018

Southeast Asia
What to Watch for From Southeast Asian States During the Pompeo Trip

Beginning tomorrow, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is in Asia for a trip to Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, three important U.S. partners in Southeast Asia. In addition to bilateral meetings…


April 3, 2015

The U.S. Trade Deficit: Is It a Problem, or Not?

The United States has run a trade deficit with the rest of the world every year for the past 40 years. With the U.S. debate heating up over the pending Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), we will be hea…

September 28, 2012

Middle East and North Africa
Who Will Speak Up for Lebanon?

Lebanon’s sovereignty and its territorial integrity were for decades violated by Syria, during the years of Syrian occupation: 1976 to 2005. After the occupation ended, the Assad regime in Syria cont…